As Damien High School charges forward – entering a new era, reaching out to new 学生, 扩大其影响力——达米安品牌的成长至关重要. 我们要确保我们拥抱达米安的历史和传统,并定位我们的学校,以达到不断扩大和发展的观众.
The purpose of this guide is not to restrict creativity, but to provide helpful guidelines to enable Damien 工作人员, 合作伙伴, 和供应商在广泛的应用程序和媒体上有效地表达达米安品牌. The brand elements are designed to support and reflect our vision and values. 正确和一致地使用这些元素将确保我们的教材清楚地传达这些价值观.
绿色 & Gold have been the foundation of Damien High School for over 60+ years. Damien 绿色 (Hex Code: #244546) is our primary color alongside 斯巴达式的黄金 (Hex Code: #FFB81C). 这两种颜色应该在整个设计中以重要和有意义的方式使用, as they define Damien's history as an educational institution. You may choose to use either color as the signature color in your design. Damien 绿色 lends itself to more formal or serious applications, while 斯巴达式的黄金 works well in more informal, casual applications especially involving athletic activities.  
年黄金 (Hex Code: #B3A369) 都是达米恩历史的一部分,可以作为我们的达米恩·格林的口音吗. 年黄金 cannot be used in the same design as 斯巴达式的黄金. For additional depth, Cool Gray (Hex Code: #A7A8A9)也可以作为辅助色与达米安绿、斯巴达金或千年金搭配使用. Secondary colors should be used only as accent colors to the primary palette. 
我们的斯巴达头盔标志可在达米安绿色,斯巴达金,千年金,和白色. No other logo colors are acceptable. 本标志的白色版本仅可用于背景或照片,允许适当的可读性. None of the elements may be altered in any way. The logo cannot be flipped to face the other direction. 内部十字架周围的负空间不能被填充以创建单一颜色的头盔. 仅使用由我们的营销/传播部门提供的数字艺术作品. Do not redraw or alter the logo elements or colors.
    1. The logo cannot be flipped to face left. 
    2. The logo must always be legible. Avoid using the logo at a small scale on complex patterns, 繁忙的照片, or textures that do not provide adequate contrast.
    3. The white version of this logo 可能只用于纯色背景或照片,以允许适当的可读性.
    4. 保持达米安斯巴达标志的完整性是建立强大身份的关键. It must be presented in a consistent and legible manner. 不要以任何方式改变或添加元素或只使用部分标志. Never change the logo’s color or warp or distort it. Do not create a custom logo for specific purposes.
这个标志只有一种格式,斯巴达头盔标志放在达米安高中标志的左边. The logotype may never be used independently. Our Spartan Helmet with Logotype is available in Damien 绿色, 斯巴达式的黄金, 年黄金, 和白色的. No other logo colors are acceptable.
服务. 奖学金. 信仰.
当我们和不同的社区成员谈论达米安时,这些话是我们听到最多的, 包括教师, 工作人员, 学生, 父母, 校友, 和捐助者. 斯巴达头盔标志与我们学校的三个支柱作为这个达米安身份的视觉表现,并提醒我们的核心信念. 我们的“三大支柱”标志有达米安绿、斯巴达金、千年金和白色. No other logo colors are acceptable.
在学校的历史进程中,达米安高中一直使用古英语“D”来标识自己的多个学科. 2022年,校徽进行了更新,正式将达米安与其他学校或组织使用的字母标志区分开来. The main identifier is the new 'notch' in the center pillar, which takes its shape from the ends of our 'Cross' seen in other Damien logos.
达米安“D”标志可在达米安绿色,斯巴达金,千年金,和白色. No other logo colors are acceptable. Outlines of the logo are available upon request.
The Damien Crest represents the school’s Catholic identity, dedication to the advancement of knowledge, and service to the community. 目前2021年的设计更新,但尊重原来的1959年版本的工作. 这四个要素分别代表信仰(圣心的聚集)、服务(圣. 莫洛凯岛的达米安), 奖学金 (Damien High School), and the Spartan (the Mascot of Damien High School).
达米安绿的单色印章仅可用于正式场合和产品, including items for Commencement, specific gift items, appropriate clothing (i.e. blazers, not T-shirts), and stationery. DO NOT use the official seal in combination with other logos.
The Damien Crest is available in Damien 绿色, 年黄金, 和白色的. No other logo colors are acceptable.

不要把达米安·格林的徽章反转成白色,以便在深色背景上使用. 白色版本的达米安徽章是专门为在黑暗背景下使用而创建的. 
达米安徽章只能在获得营销和传播办公室许可的情况下使用. It can never be altered or varied.
To request use of the Damien Crest, contact: Troy Lopez at (电子邮件保护)
Due to manufacturer limitations, 我们知道,与达米安格林完全匹配的颜色通常无法作为服装和织物的基础色. 在这种情况下,深绿色可以用来代替衣服的底色. 
Color of the apparel: 绿色, 斯巴达式的黄金, or White.
*Black or Cool Gray: Limited usage. Send request for use at (电子邮件保护)
Trained in the disciplines and honor of a warrior society, the Spartans were one of the most feared military forces in the Greek world. 斯巴达人从1959年起就与达米安联系在一起,并被正式采纳为达米安高中的吉祥物. 如今,“斯巴达人”是达米安几十年校友共同的独特经历之一.
我们的斯巴达人给我们的传统吉祥物带来了生命,并主要用于体育应用,以加强品牌, “达明斯巴达人”. 
We offer four approved fonts — Roboto, Roboto浓缩, Roboto板, 和图拉真Pro(达米安标志)-允许以适合我们不同受众和目标的方式创造性地表达我们的品牌标识. 
运动服、校服和其他服装不受这些字体的限制. 这些字体旨在加强达米安品牌在印刷和数字材料. 
在某些情况下,由于技术限制或限制,达米安品牌字体无法使用. 这种限制的一个例子是HTML电子邮件,其中尝试包含品牌字体可能会失败. In these situations, Arial and Times New Roman should be used.
Roboto is strongest in display and impact applications, especially when the school’s identity needs to be expressed. It also may be used in headlines, subheads, and body copy applications. It is available in a variety of approved weights and formats. 在技术限制或限制的情况下,Roboto可以被Arial取代. 
Available for download at or click on the buttons below to download.
图拉真Pro是达米安品牌的标志性字体,因为它以独特的方式表达了学校的身份. It is classic, yet current. Trajan Pro has a limited usability since it comes in all-caps only. 在技术限制的情况下,图拉真Pro可以被Times New Roman取代. 
莫扎特字体是一个完美的字体,正式的奖项和证书或任何设计作品,需要触摸的传统. Mozart pairs very well with Times New Roman italic.
Buinton是Damien Athletics的一个很好的免费字体,因为它的经典运动外观, which expresses the school’s personality in a distinctive manner. Buinton comes with clean and rough versions. It is recommended to use as the headline or as a short statement. DO NOT use it in all capital letters.